20.02 - 20.04.23
Residency in Izmir, Turkey
18 - 19.02.23
Provocation and Care: Gaps study, Leviosa Studio, Tbilisi Georgia
02.12 - 07.12.22
COLLECTIV_A: dance and community festival, Tbilisi, Georgia
15.08 - 10.10.22
Artistic Residency at Sacatar, Itaparica, Brazil
07 - 11.07.22
Fluidifying @ Critical Mass: CI @ 50, Oberlin College (OH), USA
For your motherland will eat it like it ate million of others at Untitled Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia
04 - 07.11.21
Provocation and Care II Lab @ F5 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
18 - 19.10.21
Touch where do you lead? @ Aspalathos, Athens, Greece
03 - 05.12.21
Provocation and Care: the Contact Improvisation Lab @ Garage Studios Moscow, Russia
03.07 - 12.09.21
(moist)dense // the Museum of Artificial History @ Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia
09 - 11.07.21
soundscapes movement lab @ Think Like Forest festival, Russia
28 - 30.05.21
Provocation and Care: the Contact Improvisation Lab @ETO ZDS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
23 - 25.04.21
Fluidifying @ Future of CI, a 3-day international online conference
ababab @ Yeezich, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
19.02 - 01.03.21
Fluidifying @ SlowSweat, online festival and a workshop series